The Project IN.POWER - Empowering children subjected to ACEs was co-funded by the European Union Program ERASMUS+, Key-Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and exchange of good practices, Action: Strategic Partnerships (KA201), under the Grant Agreement nº 2020-1-FR01-KA201-080418.
To support you in taking the best of the IN.POWER platform you may download below the User Manual. If you are curious and want to learn more about Moodle, you may also download the teacher manual used to train teachers working on the project.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) refers to traumatic events that occur during childhood such as physical or emotional abuse, neglect, household dysfunction or witnessing violence.
Children in school age when subjected to ACEs, frequently exhibit a series of undesirable attitudes and behaviours and often face significant difficulties in engaging and integrating in the school learning environment. Consequentially, they often struggle with poorer learning outcomes than their peers, which could even lead to prematurely leaving the educational system.
While significant effort has been made in most of the EU countries, the main shortcomings are in the following areas:
- Poor and untimely identification and detection of victims of ACEs.
- Insufficient coordination between educational institutions, social, child protection, mental health, and family services.
- Insufficient coordination and cooperation between educational institutions, public services, and other relevant actors in the field, such as research centres, civil society organizations and professionals in the fields of social inclusion, family and child support, mental health, and behavioural and learning support.
In the context of the above-described challenges, the IN.POWER - EMPOWERING CHILDREN SUBJECTED TO ACES PROJECT aimed to contribute to the already ongoing effort to find solutions by:
- Improve timely detection of warning signs and behaviours in school, through increasing the awareness and competence of educational and administrative staff in schools and learning institutions.
- Improve the capacity of school teachers, administrators and educational support staff to address issues arising from disruptive behaviour successfully, thus creating a safer and more inclusive learning environment for all learners
- Increase the capacity of relevant institutions to provide adequate and timely support by improving the communication and cooperation between relevant stakeholders (educational authorities, social and child protection, health services, families etc.).
- Supporting engagement and reintegration into the learning environment through dedicated pedagogical approaches based on positive behavioural reinforcement methodologies and non-formal learning approaches, to improve victims’ learning outcomes, minimise risk behaviours and prevent early school leaving.
- Kirikkale Aile Calisma ve Sosyal Hizmetler il mudurlugu (TURKIEY)
The IN.POWER project was designed to help teachers and school staff support young persons affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE).
To achieve these objectives various steps and tools were developed during the project duration. The most relevant were:
1. The In.POWER Framework, composed of the Competence Framework and Open Badges Validation System, comprises a competence framework for acquired skills and competencies and the assessment and recognition eco-system based on Open Badges and e-portfolios.
2. The creation of In.POWER e-platform, which serves multiple purposes:
- a virtual, Intuitive, easy-to-navigate online learning platform where digital versions of all learning tools for children, teachers and educators will be accessible.
- the Official web page for the project.
- An educational resource.
- a communication platform for intercultural communication and the exchange of good practices.
- an e-library containing useful links and resources related to transversal skills and competencies in learning and teaching.
3. The In.POWER Toolkit for Teachers/Educators and school staff, with various main modules organised to ensure that the youngsters benefit from an inclusive and safe learning environment. These modules are:
- Understanding Adverse Child Experiences, dysfunctional family dynamics, characteristics and effects of ACEs on children’s behaviour and learning achievement
- Identifying Victims of Adverse Child Experiences, Legal framework and adequate reaction and support policies
- Classroom Strategies for Improving learning engagement and outcomes.
- Classroom Strategies for managing challenging and disruptive behaviour.
- Classroom Strategies for Positive Behavioural Support.
- Engaging families and other caregivers
4. The In.POWER learning tools for children (in physical and digital versions) – composed of interactive, intuitive and “fun” learning game-based tools for children will be also created, to complete and facilitate the work of the teachers and provide schoolchildren with a set of important skills for their successful inclusion in school and society as a whole. This game covers the following skills and competencies:
- Social and Communication skills: conversation skills, assertiveness, active listening, group assignments, non-verbal communication etc.
- Emotional Intelligence and Individual Awareness Skills: understanding emotions, expressing emotions constructively, regulating emotional states etc.
- Learning –to learn: discovering one’s interests, setting time management, effective goal setting, resource management, planning and implementing a positive school activity etc.